And for this reason …?

I woke up with this sentence/ scripture in my spirit ‘and for this reason the son of man was manifested to …’ I couldn’t remember the rest (I thought it was to destroy the works of the flesh, but I wasn’t sure) so I had to go look it up. It is of course 1 John 3:8. When I read it in King James version it actually says , ‘and for this purpose, the son of man was manifested to destroy the works of the devil.

I began researching the two different meanings (purpose and reason) and what others have said about the difference. There is a mixed bag on the intellectual grammar sites and I have added my own.

Here is my current thinking with the purpose of bringing the message which the Lord might want to convey to life and today – hope you are able to catch something fresh. I will pray a prayer at the end.

Purpose is the ‘umbrella’ overarching reason, the global and ongoing task with many attributes, functions and activity brought to bear (and if you like)…. It is the big ‘DO’. Whereas the word ‘reason’ is singular, to destroy the devil – a little ‘do’ . The only way I can explain it. God not only wants to destroy the works of the devil but there is a whole bigger purpose in mind to heal and to restore and to bring us back to himself.

The point of the exercise is that God had a purpose in mind when he sent his son and today he is reminding us. It was to redeem Adam’s fallen race back to himself. He says ‘as he is so are we in this world’. I John 4:17. As there was a purpose for Jesus’ birth , death and resurrection, so there is a purpose for your life too. Jesus was sent in form of human flesh to destroy the works of the devil. Jesus was proof positive that God cared, came and is more than able to finish what he started and intended for his creation. The son of man was manifested in the form of a human babe, an adult man and then a resurrected spirit. This life which was/is in the Son is in us and we have been given delegated power to continue to destroy the works of the devil , in His Name.

There is a purpose and reason for your life and it is to run your race. We are to go into all the world preach the good news, destroy and deliver . The bible says saviours will come from mount Zion. Obadiah 1:21. Father sends saviours for a purpose – to bring men back to God.

Today, ask yourself, what is your purpose, what is the reason for your life. What have you been called to do? Once you know get up and do it with all your might. You were created in Him to destroy the works of the devil. You have the power and upper hand over any situation, as long as you stand in His Name. He says , greater works shall we do , because he has gone back to the Father. John 14;12. He is saying it is now time to rise. He has said that the ‘whole creation is groaning, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. Romans 8:9 We can see and hear the birth pangs, in the tsunami’s and the many earthquakes, in the wars and rumours of wars. I have heard it in the spirit that it is time to rise. It is your hour, it is your season. Get up!! Make manifest, the wonder working power and glory of God. Father is depending on us.


Father we thank you for your word. Your word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Forever, your word, your purposes and plans are settled in heaven.

Lord nothing has happened by chance or by accident. Your purposes are made clear in your word and your mighty acts of old. You are still doing , you are an active knowing , doing God. Your word is everlasting, touching each generation even ours. Thank you for bearing with us and staying with us. Thank you for communicating with us.

Father, your word says that your son Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the enemy and we are to stand, run and do so in that Name. Lord help us to grasp the seriousness of the task that you have laid on us and the part we have been created to play. Let us not be just readers and hearers of the word, break that stoic, spectator self-satisfied, religious, placid, patronising, complacent, spirit in us. We long for the spirit and working out of Truth.

Lord your word says that upon mount Zion shall be deliverance and the people shall possess their possession. We declare that everything that has been stolen, or broken down to be restored and revived and returned to us , in this hour.

You are our racione d’etre – (the french say it so well) our reason for being. If we say it Lord, let it be done and in Your Name. Let your manifested presence be in all we say and do. Release our tongue our hearts in prayer and supplication. Give us a listening ear for your army cry and daily divine direction. Give us that right spirit to be that battle axe, that weapon of war in your hand – to pull down strongholds in the spirit.

Your daughter Linda J

4 responses to “And for this reason …?”

  1. September 27th devotional is so so relatable praise God!! I also enjoyed the previous devotional in September too. I thank God for His reminder of where he brought me from, where He’s taking me and His word of wisdom to guide my footsteps!! Bless you sis!! ♡♡♡

    • Thank you for taking the time to read and to encourage Catherine . May you continue to be inspired by the Word and to grow in grace.

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