He opened not his mouth

Yesterday I watched a clip on Facebook of the verbal attack on a young evangelist ministering in a town square. I didn’t see or hear what the evangelist preached as the clip didnt start from there. So I cant comment on whether what he had said was within the realms of what is permissible in the spirit and the local laws, but I saw his response. As the attacker rained down those verbal blows (and in his face). I saw a quiet and gentle spirit. He opened not his mouth. I heard (just out of shot) a woman who had clearly come with the evangelist. She was interjecting and trying to take on the attacker, but the evangelist under attack said nothing. He indicated with his hand to her to be quiet and she heeded.

The attacker continued. He didn’t swear but he was extremely agitated. He neared his face to the evangelist’s own and you could see the evangelist being sprayed by what was coming out of his mouth. The attacker was lurching forward, he was so angry. You could see He was just waiting for a peep to come out of the evangelist.

The evangelist said nothing.
The clip ended.

This morning, I am reviewing this and the Lord is reminding me of the scripture where it says ‘he opened not his mouth’ ( Isaiah 53:7; Acts 8:32). There were however times in Jesus’ life when he did challenge (see where he overturned the tables in the temple- Matthew 21:13) but on other occasions he used wisdom and ‘opened not his mouth’.

As I think about the clip, I see the accuser of the brethren, who the Bible tells us accuses us to God day and night. Revelation 12:10

Our fight is not against flesh and blood. One could see the spirit at work in the attacker. It was fierce with his veins standing out. Like this attacker, the accuser is just waiting for an opportunity for us to slip up, for us to try to defend ourselves, but we must use and exercise wisdom.

The enemy of soul, is the loud voice screaming and shouting at us when we seek to do right and stand on the word of God. We dont see it with our physical eyes, but rest assured, this is what him and his cohorts, his legions are doing right in our faces, right under our noses. They are mincing and menacing . The Bible says prowling around seeking whom they might devour (1 Peter5:8). They are goading, just waiting to put the boot in, just waiting to slap and spit in our faces.

The Bible tells us also that many will be the afflictions of the righteous but he will deliver us from them all. Ours is to strive lawfully (2 Timothy 2:5) and fight ‘manfully’ onwards and as the old hymnal goes.

There are many dichotomies in the bible such as hold your peace, open your mouths , ours is to know which one and when and to use wisdom to pull down strongholds.

Do the work of an evangelist and make full proof your ministries. Our Father instructs that ‘great peace have they who love his law and nothing shall offend them’ . Psalms 119:165

We are overcomers in Jesus’ name.
Evangelist Linda J UK


Also in audio version for the visually impaired.

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