Faith is substance

Word in the night

“Faith is substance” not Faith is the substance… which we know is from the book of Hebrew, but ‘Faith is substance’. It may seem an awkward rendering, but this is what I received in the night consistent with how Father speaks to me – I never like to add or subtract . The word /phrase was held in tension as I slept and as I held it I found myself praying through some of Father’s promises.

The Holy Spirit would have me hold onto the exact phrase to explore on waking which I have and which is now set out below.

The word substance depicts something that has form, essence, meaning, material, texture , actuality or being. In effect, it is something that is tangible. I have written on the issue of faith before and directed the reader to the annals of faith found in Hebrews chapter 11, but I believe in my current circumstances, the Lord wants me to lift my level of understanding with the hope of appropriating things that I need from God and appropriating things that might also helps others.

‘Faith is substance’ would suggest that the Holy Spirit is conveying the three dimensional aspect of faith ie that it can be held, appropriated and the thing desired, brought into being.

The opposite of substance is poverty, nothingness, fantasy, abstract . These are not states that the christian believer should want to find themselves. The Bible says that without vision ,(dream , substance – extended here for emphasis ), the people perish. Proverbs 29:18 . You not only have to have vision, but you have to stand in faith, to bring those things which are not yet, into being.

I have already shared elsewhere, my experience of the spirit of faith at work in my life and know it has form. You may recall how I saw myself catapulted into the reality of the thing that I was asking God for.

It was the summer of 2018 , I was seeking to secure a home, but I had no money or deposit for that home. However, almost immediately to my asking (in the same instance ) I saw myself sitting in the home in the future and three dimensionally. I just knew in that instant as I viewed the house and prayed that I was going to own the home. I just then kept making the necessary steps in faith, towards my goal and with assurance in my heart . It was January 2019 when I moved into that home and sat on the settee that I had seen myself sitting on (in the spirit) and as owner. The Lord had orchestrated things so that I could reach my desired destination. Wisdom and understanding and provision came and I was able to make the move. I draw from this experience from time to time and when I want to recall the promises and goodness of God.

I am led at this time of my life to again stand on the promises of God which I see as yes and amen. Since the age of 11 there have been many junctures in my life when my life has been held in the balance due to a serious health issue and where I could have been taken out. Thanks be to God I am still here to complete my assignment – one of which is to write.

The other word for substance is ground and confidence and assurance – what I will call giving backbone to our prayer needs by framing ie putting flesh on it fuelled by his blessed Holy Spirit – without which our prayers remain ineffective.

The Bible tells us that the effectual prayers of a righteous man avails the much and is dynamic in its working . James 5:16 . It is the dynamo that I saw when I prayed on two or more occasions (one reported above) leading to the answer to my prayers. But who is righteous enough to pray such prayers? It is the Holy Spirit who prays thru us, making our needs and utterances acceptable to God and lining up with his will for our lives. Essentially He has good plans for us and on this ground we can stand.

What is that thing that you are standing in faith for? See it as already done. See its form, texture, essence, being, as an actuality. You don’t always have to wait long for an answer, The word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the diving asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 .

Get familiar with the word of God and use it to bed down that thing that is yours by right and by commandment and bring it into existence. For instance, if you are waiting on healing, you can declare and say that ‘by his stripes you are healed’. 1 Peter 2:24. If you have felt consistently short changed or passed over , see your self as ‘the head and not the tail’ (Deuteronomy 28:13) ‘above and not beneath’. Hounded by trials and tribulations? Confronted by opposition and rulers of the darkness? See yourself as being at rest and divinely protected under his shadow of the Almighty . See your enemies fleeing seven ways (Deuteronomy 28:7) and their necks under your feet when they come up against you. Dealing with lack or impoverishment? See your hands, your home, your basket.. filled with the blessings of God (Deuteronomy 28:11)

The word that came in the night was ‘Faith is substance’ . Let us think again about the opposite of substance set out above and take note that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law , already becoming a curse for us . Galatians 3:13 . Therefore all that we need in relation to our deliverance has already been done on the cross and we simply need to give it substance and form, start seeing the victory eg believe that it is already done and step in.

There are so many times in the Old Testament that the children of israel could not step in because of unbelief. The Lord brought this up again in the parables of the sycamine tree and the mustard seed (Luke 17:16; matthew 13;31; 17:20; Mark 4:31; luke 13:19; 17:6) . It is the fact that we don’t frame our prayers with the word of God and our lack of belief that prevents us seeing those things which are not, come into being.

Now is the time to exercise your faith, believing that you deserve substantially better than your current circumstances because the price has already been paid for your healing and deliverance and it was paid for on the cross . Receive it and activate it, frame it , give it substance, by the Word.

The Bible tells us that the world was framed by the word of God Hebrews 11:3 . In the same vein , you have to say something to bring that dream , that vision, that need, into actuality. Say what God says about it , again give it substance , give it life . Bring it into form by the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart. Let that seed faith grow in your heart by watering it every day by the word of God.

The word of God in your heart and released through your mouth has the power to cause changes. One author puts it like this, ‘the things hoped for in our prayers (as born again believers ) are not mere figments of the imagination, (they are not fantasy or abstract) their basis is the word of God’ . His words are pure and He is a shield to all who put their trust in him. Proverbs 30:5.

God desires to give substance to our prayers. If we ask him for a fish, he will not give us a stone.

The Amplified bible put it best when it says . For we [Believers ] have become partakers of Christ [sharing in all that Messiah has for us] if only we would hold firm our newborn confidence, the thing [which originally led us to Him] until the end. Hebrews 3:14. Simply put, the same faith we had in believing and receiving salvation and hope of eternal life, is the same faith we are to exercise, give substance to, when approaching God in prayer for things he has already made possible and accessible to us through his word.

Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed) and the evidence of things not seen (the conviction of their reality – faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses). Hebrews 11:1 AMP

Faith is substance.

Let us pray

Father we thank you for your word. Your word has the dynamic power to cause changes in our lives and in our situation. Lord you said it and it was done and you have promised that greater things will we do because you returned to the Father. Thank you because you are always speaking to us ushering us towards a better understanding of who we are in you. You are the Christ in us and the hope of glory. Glorify you name in us through our testimonies of how you have brought us through. Your word tells us we overcome by the word of our testimony and the shedding of your blood.

Thank you for the life giving word in our hearts and in our mouth we heard and believed and confessed you as Lord. Let that same faith we had in our salvation be exercised at times of need and peril. Let the power of your Holy Spirit continue to lead and guid us into all truth. Help us to cast off all doubt and unbelief and step forward in the faith in you. Knowing already that you died and ave yourself as a ransome. Because of this we can come boldly and ask anything in your name, believing it is already done and because you have good plans for us.

Help us to see those things which are not as though they were. Give substance an dorm to ur prayers and supplication by the agency of your blessed Holy Spirit and by our application and expression of your word.

Your word spoken is like a hammer that breaks the rock. Your word has the ability to cause changes. Your word is a two edged sword, diving asunder soul and spirit, joint and marrow and is a discerner o f the intents of our hearts. Only you know the depths of our heart , our sincerity and our level of belief.

Increase our level of faith to do mighty things in this hour. You promised that greater things we would do because you go to the Father. We believe you. Help us to speak the word only and to see those things that are not as though they were. Help us to believe the impossible and to know that all thighs are possible with you.

Thank you for the prayers you have already answered and those which are still to manifest in physical form. Through faith, help us to break yokes and to set captives free. Through faith, help us to see the sick healed, the weak revived and those impoverished blessed with all spiritual blessings. Through faith, let us see blind eyes opened, the dead raised and sickness and disease having no power over us. Through faith filled eyes, let us se your kingdom advancely and operating here on earth as it is in heaven.

Evangelist Linda J UK










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