My daughter is home 

I wrote a poem for my estranged daughter called  ‘when you come home’ (see this site) it was the cry of my heart and I waited.  As I waited Father spoke to me through the agent  of his angels abd blessed Holy Spirit and directed me and increased  my faith. This is what happened:   

It was about 8.30pm at night and I sensed the Lord urging me to go select a book from off my bookshelf.  As a trainer, writer, minister, I have many books. I didn’t particularly feel like reading, but I sensed a leading beyond myself. Those who know Him know what I am talking about..

I found my fingers selecting one particular book and I took it  off the shelf, but without thinking about the title  put  it down in the lounge almost immediately to go buy chicken for the impromtu barbie tomorrow – I had also found some tesco vouchers worth £19.00 

I perhaps had no more intention on reading the book,  but shopping and a myriad of other tasks done , I found it was nearing midnight and i didn’t  want to go to bed.  

I picked up  the book …its called ‘Horses  Make a landscape Look More Beautiful – by Alice Walker . I am sensing there is something for me here – something the Lord wants to communicate . I flick two pages . I find what he wants to convey.  It is called : 


My daughter is coming!

ive brought her a bed

and a chair

a mirror, a lamp 

and a desk 

Her room is all ready 

except that the curtains are torn

do I have time to buy shoji panels 

for the window? 

I do not 

see the doctor about my tonsil 

which are dying ahead of schedule

see the barber and do a wash 

cross the country 

cross Brooklyn and Manhattan 



liberate my daughter 

from her father and Washington, DC

recross the country 

and present her to her room 
My daughter is coming!

will she like her bed

her chair,her mirror

desk and lamp 
Or will she see only see torn curtains?

I read it smiled and went to sleep – 8 weeks later my estranged daughter returned home for good after 10 years of us being separated. 

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