Thanks be to God I have finally caught up with the New Testament reading. If my maths and dates are correct, I believe the whole church that is New Life Derby, UK should be on Luke 10 today. I didn’t want to just read but to read with understanding hence my pace has been slow. If you were nearby you would see the state of my reading room and the numerous bibles and literature I am using to cross reference. I can be so easily distracted ..only God knows!!!The Bible says study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman needing not to be ashamed,rightly dividing the word of Truth and so I press on.

My studies this week has not been limited to the New Testament, but I have had real life examples of the Word in Action and also the state of my own heart. There have been times I feel I have passed the test and times I have to confess I have failed miserably. Nevertheless we can report the saving of a soul on Friday this very week by the ministry of the the Lord Jesus Christ, his word and our unified testimony. There is the sound of a king and laughter in the house once again.

I wont precise all of what I have read to this point (I may return to do so later and as the spirit leads), for now I want to just punctuate some of what I have picked up. Luke majors on the purpose of the ministry of the Lord Jesus to heal and to set captives free – he came to destroy the works of the enemy . The destruction we are talking about is not the ‘loss of being’ as Hayford describes, but the sozo ie the bringing about of total well-being and restoration. Further we learn that LOVE is not a matter of theoretical discussion, but practical demonstration. As I have found to my cost and again this very week, some people may not be overtly grateful for your care or assistance. It is not for us to reason why when this happens or to stand in condemnation but just to love them anyway, as we love ourselves and to continue to ‘do’ of his good pleasure.

Hayford says that ‘love does not consider the worthiness of the object, but responds to human need’. We see in Luke that the Good Samaritan did not procrastinate, he went out of his way to help at cost and with his own welfare at stake. As my Christian brother put it this very week, we see those individuals which are put in our path as God sees them – the same way he forgave the undeserving me and you….we forgive them. If you are waiting for recognition or gratitude of the things you do you for other , first it is the wrong spirit , secondly you might wait for a very long time. Luke shows us that Jesus too was rejected – he came to his own but his own received him not. But he knew his task, his time and his season and moved on with no rancour. Not everyone will receive you or the things of God, but there is a remnant and those who are hungry and thirsty and long to see the kingdom of God come, will and be blessed. Therefore we must ‘endure’ with patience.


Father thank you for bringing me through what has been an interesting week with many twist and turns. Throughout I have seen your hand working and revealing your divine Truths and nature. Help me/us to apply these truths to our hearts so we can be ever seasoned with salt. Help us to be the one who chooses the better thing like Mary to sit at your feet and worship but to also be ready to do like Martha ie help out in your House, reach out to those in need and to shine a light in the darkness.

We thank you that you have chosen us and given us delegated authority to go to preach the good news of the kingdom and to respond to needs. You are no respecter of person, the first shall be last and the last first we know that those who minister must be servants of all. As we do what you bid us, may be do so in the spirit of Truth and grace may we touch lives, see kingdom come and the darkness flee. May what we sow fall on good soil and bring forth a mighty harvest.

Increase our faith and commitment levels to do things to the honor and glory of your name. Let there be no *susu susu….but sozo. Let there be no slacking or turning back. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear what you are saying to us in this very hour. Reveal who Father is to us more and more – what he wants to do to our hearts , our environments and our world. We want to see the dead raised, the lame walk and people set free from chains. We want to see increased love and unity amongst our neighbors and our fellowman.

I ask these things in your Name

Always your daughter Linda J

Written February 22/2/2020

* Jamaican patois for gossip which we know destroys

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